The Points System

Points are awarded for all submissions made by full members as follows:

  • Open Submission:

    Honours 12
    High Commended 9
    Merit 7

  • Set Subject Submission:

    Honours 13
    High Commended 10
    Merit 8

    An additional 5 points are also awarded for achieving 1st place in each Grade.

    There are also prizes up for grabs with 1st, 2nd and 3rd being awarded to the top images from each grade. 
    These prizes are donated to the club by our major sponsors


Submission of Images - Print & Digital

As of April 2018, digital copies of all images (for both Print and Digital categories) are to be emailed to the Convenor at at least two days prior to club nights. This allows judging sheets to be prepared in advance and provides a reference for annual Salon submissions. Any late entries are not guaranteed to be included for grading.

FORMATTING- Digital Images are to be formatted as follows:

File type: jpg format
Size: to fit within 1024 wide x 768 tall (pixels)
For more information on resizing requirements Click Here


Name the file using the following format and use a minus/hyphen sign to separate each section (don’t use dots or commas)


For example: PRINT-BlueDuck-JoeSmith-066-Int-Set-0418.jpg

Or DIGITAL-PiedPiper-JoeSmith-066-Int-Open-0418.jpg

Category: PRINT or DIGITAL
Title: Whatever you wish to name it (but please avoid using ‘No Title’)
Your Club number: Use 3 digits i.e. 066 (visitors please use xxx)
Grade : Either Int or Adv (i.e. Intermediate or Advanced)
Subject: Either Set or Open
Date: Month and year to be entered in the format mmyy so April 2018 is 0418

Submission of Images - Print:

After emailing a file copy of your image as per the above instructions, prints are to be presented to the Print Convenor each club night no later than 7:20pm. The minimum image size is 6” x 8”.

Prints must be presented on suitable stiff card, preferably with a matt on top. If un-matted, images must be securely attached to the backing board.

The owner’s name, club number and the title of the photo must be shown on the reverse side of the print. For example:

Title: Blue Duck
Name: Joe Smith
Club Number: 066
Grade: Int or Adv
Category: Set or Open
Date: 0418

For more information on resizing requirements, please Click Here
for more information on how to resize your image, using PhotoShop or similar applications, please Click Here