Information, help, tips and much more. As a club our aim is for members to share their experience and knowledge with other members so we all learn and grow our photographic skills while having a lot of fun along the way.


Club Night Theme

Image: Resize & Save As
Visual Organization in Photographs
Principles and elements of Design
Power of Photojournalism 1/2
Power of Photojournalism 2/2
Photolournalism Tips, Capture powerful images
Abstract Architecture Photography
High Key Landscape Processing LR
High Key Landscape Processing LR 2

General Photography

5 Priceless Street tips
Street Photography Masterclass
Street Photography Settings
7 Steps to make Powerful 70-200mm photos
Edit B&W with Luminosity Masks
Minimalist Photography
Guide to composition in Landscape
Improving Composition in Landscape Photography
Composition Rule of Odds
5 Steps, powerful 16-35 mm photos
Best Tools for Improving Composition
No filter long EXPOSURE
Macro Photography lighting tutorial: Equipment, setting & ideas
Macro focus stack & editing tutorial
New: Lightroom / ACR Masking 2.0
Do this to Always get Perfect Exposure
How to make square images
Complete guide to Manual Mode
Landscape photography

Adobe Photoshop

Layers for beginners
Layer Mask for beginners
Dodge & Burn
Adobe Camera RAW PS/LR
Golden Hour Sky replacement
Applying Vibrant Twilight Colours
Lighting photos in ACR

Adobe Lightroom

Dodge & Burn
Edit Photos in Lightroom
Create Dramatic B&W
Edit Photos in Lightroom
Advance Editing Lightoom
Lightrooms most powerful tool
Colour Grade for Sunsets, Lightroom
Colour Grade Raw Images Lightroom

Affinity Photo

Affinity Camera RAW Editor
RAW Adv Developement
How to Use Masks
Quick Mask Selections
Blend Two Images
Black & White tutorial
Sharpen 5 ways Affinity
Dodge & Burn
Create Luminosity Mask
Orton Effect Glow
Affinity Photo The Basics (Lesson 1)
Affinity Photo Export & Layers (lesson 2)
Affinity Essential Tools
(Lesson 3)
Affinity Photo Filters
(Lesson 4)
Affinity Photo Layers
(Lesson 5)
Affinity Photo Curves Technique for easy Luminosity Masks
Link to Old Tips & Tricks page